Student Email Using Microsoft Outlook App (iOS)

1. Navigate to the "App Store".




2. Search for the "Microsoft Outlook" app from the App Store.



3. Click on "Get" to download the app.


If you installed Outlook before, click on the cloud icon as shown below.



4. Click on "Open" when the installation has completed.


4. Enter your student email login where it says "Email Address" and click "Add Account".


If you do not know what your email login is, please read the Student Email Login article.



*If prompted, select "Office 365". *



5. Type your StarID password in the box indicated and click "Sign in"



6. Verify your identity by selecting one of the verification method you had setup.



If you have selected the text code verification method, you will type the verification code where it is indicated and click "Verify".



Congratulations! You have successfully linked your student email to the Outlook app!

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