How do I Make PDF's Readable?


  • A quick way to check if a PDF is readable is to try and select a sentence. If you can select individual letters, the file is likely readable. If you can only select a page at a time, the file is not readable.
  • If the document is not readable, you can use Adobe Acrobat Pro’s ‘Make Accessible’ feature under ‘Tools’ -> ‘Action Wizard’ menu-> ‘Make accessible.’ From there, select the files that you want accessible and click ‘Start.’
  • Screen readers are used by visually impaired students to read text on a document or web page aloud. If text is not formatted correctly, it cannot be read by the student.
    • For scanned PDFs, make sure the text is readable and not an image
    • A quick way to test this is to CTRL+F and search for a word on the first page - if the word is found, it’s readable.

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