The password complexity requirement associated with the StarID complies with the Minnesota State password security guideline. Passwords must meet or exceed these criteria:
Changed at least every 180 days.
Between 8 and 128 characters long.
Use at least 3 of these types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.
May not have been used before.
May not contain your first name or last name if they are longer than 2 characters.
Special characters include characters like these: !@#$%^&*()_+=-`{}[]|\:";'<>,.?/
After reseting your StarID password make sure to wait a full 15-30 minutes so that your starid password synchs between the E-Services, D2L, Office 365 login portals. Also, do not reset your starid password at any Microsoft Office 365 link you come across.